SERV Work Program 2015: focus on vision and debate on all important social and economic issues

2015In the Work Program 2015 SERV formulates the ambition to fully participate in all important social an economic debate. Major issues for SERV are:





  • the concrete implementation the 6th Belgian state reform with special focus on the target group policy,
  • education and vocational training with temporary work experience as an essential part of a jobs pact ( labor market policy),
  • learning and working (education),
  • adjusting and integrating the assistance scheme of the Agency Enterprise Flanders and IWT,
  • setting up a benchmark for the Flemish governmental  investment companies ( economy and innovation),
  • the energy pact,
  • the energy grids,
  • the regulation of the energy tariffs,
  • the Flemish scheme of child allowances ( social protection),
  • updating the long term vision for Flanders,
  • strengthening social dialogue and the commitment of social partners and other stakeholders in policy issues.

The advice on the Flemish budget policy and the budget report are as well on the agenda in 2015.

The Work Program includes also the program of the international activities of SERV, the  STiA (Foundation of Innovation and Work), the Competency team and the cooperation with the Diversity Commission.