SERV urges for maximal implementation of the Job Pact

young women and older men working in facturySERV notes that the concept note “temporary work experience?? diverges strongly from the Job Pact concluded by the Flemish social partners at the end of October. Agreements concerning the target groups, the duration, the modular setup, simulation of workplace, hiring incentives, art.60§7/art.61 (social integration allowance), PWA… are not met. Other important factors such as budget, targets and content in the trajectories, time paths, methods and procedures of orientation, appointing guidance persons, monitoring and evaluation are missing or only partly developed. SERV urges that the Job Pact should be effectively implemented and that all agreements should be honoured, as the minister has stated on a number of occasions. The Job Pact represents in fact the result of a well-balanced compromise between the Flemish social partners.