SERV remains with questions regarding the reform of the social economy

men sitting on chair will fowling boxes

SERV agrees with a general reorganization in the field of social economy.
SERV recommends the minister to implement and put into operation the decree on tailor made work and local services economy.

Simultaneously SERV notes that at this moment several  elements lack concrete interpretation. The minister will set out the concrete guidelines in a later stadium.

In its advice SERV reaffirms the necessity of a sustainable and improved participation of the target group workers. Equally the individual pillar of tailormade jobs that aim to include a limited group of targeted workers on the same work floor deserves a fair implementation.

SERV also wants to stress the existing uncertainty and vagueness of the definitions of the target group workers and the budgetary impact of the reform.

SERV is missing guarantees for:

  • An adequate follow up on the work floor.
  • An appropriate follow up of the “enclave?? method in which specific jobs and tasks are delegated to other enterprises or organizations.
  • An operational framework for the tailor made activities.
  • Avoiding substitute effects concerning the group with the highest need of support

Finally SERV calls for a suitable and adapted approach of labour care.