SERV asks Flemish Energy Regulator to be careful with disclosure

half earthballVREG, the Flemish energy regulator proposes to extend the transparency regarding the origin of the delivered electricity, the so called disclosure. SERV is agreeing that transparency is important but thinks a further disclosure is at the moment rather premature. The cost and effects  are uncertain and the reliability is not ensured yet. A further discussion on the content of the energy invoice and the opening up of the energy figures is more needed.
SERV is asking VREG to apply disclosure carefully since there are doubts on the effectiveness in the development of green energy and of the impact on the market forces. To increase the transparency the market regulator should focus on other priorities, such as the monitoring of the energy prices and the “sleeping contracts??. SERV agrees with the proposals to match the Flemish disclosure arrangements with the common practices and the European guidelines as well as with those proposals that are meant to correct errors in the pending regulation.