About us

Strong through dialogue

In SERV, the social partners consult with each other in order to advise the government or parliament and reach agreement. The social partners also consult with the Flemish Government to conclude VESOC (Flanders Economic and Social Consultation Commission) agreements.


SERV provides secretarial services for the Flanders Economic and Social Consultation Commission (VESOC). This is an organisation for trilateral consultation between government, trade unions and employers. The Flemish Government is committed to implement all proposals on which there is consensus within VESOC. The social partners of Flanders justify this consensus to their members and assist in its implementation.

Advisory role

SERV provides advice about all policy initiatives in Flanders with a socio-economic impact. This may be at its own initiative, at the request of the Flemish Government, a Flemish minister or the Flemish Parliament. The advice comments on government and parliamentary initiatives from a socio-economic angle.

Advantage of consensus:
The SERV partners aim for consensus in their advice. They are convinced that their common view, based on a well-considered consensus, represents an advantage for our society.

Strategic advisory council (SAR)

SERV is a strategic advisory council (SAR) for matters closely related to the social and economic consultation:

  • work and the social economy
  • the economy
  • energy
  • and services for general government policy.

SERV is required by decree to advise on the budget of the Flemish Community on an annual basis.

Over the years, SERV has acquired extensive expertise, both in the SAR field and in other social and economic fields such as:

  • the environment
  • renewable energy
  • the economy
  • industrial policy
  • efficient government
  • employment agreements
  • the relationship between education and the job market
  • developing competencies

SERV also coordinates the networks of sector consultants and closely monitors the operation of the sector agreements between the Flemish Government and the sectors.

A house with many rooms

SERV does not just participate in consultation and provide advice. The other rooms of the SERV house contain bodies such as the Stichting Innovatie & Arbeid (Innovation & Work Organisation), the Competency Team, the Diversity Commission, the Flemish Ports Commission, the Flemish Airport Commission, the sector commissions, the Temporary Employment Commission and two strategic advisory bodies: the Flanders Mobility Council and the Strategic Advisory Council for Welfare, Health & Family Policy.

More information

  • www.serv.be
    Under ‘adviezen en publicaties’ (advice and publications) you will find the full text of advice, research and other documents.
  • various electronic newsletters
    You can sign up for our electronic newsletters via the website.